Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Preston Sleep Solutions

It is believed that at least 40 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep disorders each year and an additional 20 million suffer from occasional sleep problems, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Sleep is a vital part of individual and public health, so if you have sleep issues, it’s important to seek help. Preston Memorial Hospital has a now nationally accredited sleep center - Preston Sleep Solutions!

Preston Sleep Solutions was selected as one of 18 nationally accredited sites to also provide education. We treat a multitude of sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome, and insomnia. If you feel that you may be suffering from a sleep disorder that is interfering with the way you function during the day, your healthcare provider may request a sleep study. Your sleep patterns will be monitored and recorded in one of Preston Sleep Solutions’ private recording rooms. Before going to bed, a technician will place dime size sensors at various sites on your body to record brain waves, muscle activity, leg and arm movements, heart rhythms, breathing patterns, oxygen levels and other body functions during sleep. These monitoring devices cause little discomfort and will not hamper movements during the night. The test results will be reviewed by a physician specializing in sleep medicine and recommendations regarding treatment will be made.

If you are diagnosed with a sleep disorder, it can usually be treated effectively. The team of specialists at our Sleep Disorder Laboratory will evaluate the results of your studies and will make recommendations for treatment. Treatment may include medication, changes in daily habits or work schedules, or a simple nasal mask to relieve snoring and upper-airway obstruction.

Sleep disorders are treatable, and with the exception of sleep apnea surgery, most sleep treatments are minimally invasive. Sleep disorders can be dangerous for the individual as well as the public. If your sleep issues are negatively impacting your life during waking hours, now is the time to seek help. Preston Sleep Solutions is your answer to a better night’s rest!

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